Heavily Metalled

The moment I heard Dr. Schroeder's episodes, I was sure this was the root of my problems

Hearing your episodes with Dr. Schroeder helped push me to get the MELISA test to see if my heart surgery materials from 20 years ago were affecting me. They were 😭 I had them removed earlier this year and have recovered my health beyond what I could ever imagine would be possible. It's still a slow journey, but I'm so grateful to have my life back from the deep suffering I was experiencing. Thank you for talking about this, doctors thought I was crazy, and they didn't know about the MELISA test or LTT testing in general to even test for an issue with the metals, and were shocked when I brought them the results and said "See? This is what I've been saying might be wrong!!" Hoping to make change with my own story one day too. Thank you for sharing!!

Oct. 10, 2024 by Tara Alexandria on Apple Podcasts

Heavily Metalled

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