EP33 - Gadolinium Toxicity with Debbie Heist Lambert
Our guest today, Debbie Heist Lambert is the author of the new book “Gadolinium Deposition and Toxicity: Humanizing a Life-Changing Event", as well as head honcho over at Living with Gadolinium, LLC. Debbie is a huge advocate for all medically injured patients. She is enthusiastic about ensuring that informed consent, truth and transparency become the gold standard for all things healthcare after her own life changed dramatically following the first, and then multiple injections of a GBCA (gadolinium based contrast agent), a toxic rare-earth metal retained in everyone. Debbie found a passion and purpose in learning and applying the new knowledge to help herself and to provide support and help for others. Debbie gives all glory to God for his love, support, and ongoing guidance.
In this episode you will learn:
What Gadolinium is and why it’s used.
Where to find support if you believe you have been injured by Gadolinium.
How to best test to find out if you have toxic stored amounts of Gadolinium.
About safe detox options to help rid the body of stored gadolinium.
~Links and Resources~
~ Debbie’s Book: “Gadolinium Deposition & Toxicity: Humanizing a Life-Changing Event” - Get it HERE.
~ Living With Gadolinium, LLC on Facebook - Go HERE.
~GadTTRAC.org - Resource for all things gadolinium - Go HERE.
Check out “The God Memorandum” by Og Mandino HERE
Check out NeuroSym HERE.
Check out Vital Health Saunas HERE.
~To make a comment or petition to the FDA, click HERE.
~To follow Heavily Metalled on RUMBLE click HERE.
~To read the YouTube medical misinformation policy click HERE.
~Get the Low Nickel Diet cookbook HERE.
~To learn more visit HeavilyMetalled.com.
Check out the “Heavily Metalled” resource page: https://www.heavilymetalled.com/resources
Sign up for the FREE newsletter and email list on HeavilyMetalled.com & get a FREE symptoms list & next steps bundle!~Sign the petition asking medical providers and facilities to pre-screen for metal hypersensitivity here: http://tinyurl.com/2458ea8
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***Many WONDERFUL, supportive special-interest communities exist for metal allergies and diet, hardware issues, medical devices, etc., online and on social media. They have many resources and often act as a collective think-tank. I owe many parts of my recovery to knowledge obtained in such groups. Search keywords to join these groups and find your tribe!***

Debbie Heist Lambert
Patient, Advocate, Author
sent in separate email
please include this link - Largest and fastest growing Gadolinium Support group on social media ---
MRI Gadolinium Contrast Safety Side Effects & Toxicity Research