Reflux Episodes

Nov. 3, 2023

EP17 - Laura Duzett - Dyshidrotic Eczema & Just Released: The Low-Nickel Diet Cookbook

Laura Duzett is a third-year medical student and survivor of a horrendous bout with dyshidrotic eczema. Soon-to-be Dr. Laura has just released an amazing and comprehensive new Low-Nickel Diet Cookbook that promises to be revo...
Guest: Laura Duzett
Aug. 16, 2023

EP13 - Surgical Clips, Staples & Marker Removal Surgery for Metal-Allergic Patients w/Dr. Chris Cottrell, MD, FACS

EP13 - Surgical Clips, Staples & Marker Removal Surgery for Metal-Allergic Patients w/Dr. Chris Cottrell, MD, FACS Dr Chris Cottrell, MD, FACS, has been a general surgeon in practice for decades, currently living in North Tex...