Allergies Episodes

Nov. 3, 2023

EP17 - Laura Duzett - Dyshidrotic Eczema & Just Released: The Low-Nickel Diet Cookbook

Laura Duzett is a third-year medical student and survivor of a horrendous bout with dyshidrotic eczema. Soon-to-be Dr. Laura has just released an amazing and comprehensive new Low-Nickel Diet Cookbook that promises to be revo...
Guest: Laura Duzett
March 1, 2023

EP02 - Metal Allergy Symptoms Resolved! Overcoming a Life Sentence of Chronic Pain

In part 2 of my story, after being bedridden and in excruciating pain for years, I finally connect all the dots. After experiencing a full-blown meltdown, realizing I was reacting to recently implanted metal hardware that cou...
Guest: Shari Guess
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